Anthony Branker & Imagine

Songs My Mom Liked

Origin 82896


iTunes - $9.99

Honing a hybrid of freewheeling post-bop and social commentary, abetted by judicious dollops of funk, fusion, spoken word, clave and polyrhythmic percussion...Branker incorporates these elements in broad, bold strokes, like a muralist. He has yet to make a bad record.

Celebrating the life and resilience of his 88-year-old mother, composer Dr. Anthony Branker's 10th Origin release is a gift to Joan Branker who has been mightily challenged by the ongoing cognitive decline of dementia. Conceptualized after witnessing how her face would brighten and her body would start to move when listening to his earlier music, he was driven to re-imagine 11 of these compositions, along with "If...," written by his daughter at 11, for his brilliant ensemble, Imagine. Saxophonist Donny McCaslin, trumpeter Philip Dizack, pianist Fabian Almazan, bassist Linda May Han Oh, drummer Rudy Royston, guitarist Pete McCann, and vocalist Aubrey Johnson each bring inspired musicianship and deep soul to the lyrical flow, ingenious rhythmic interplay, and spirited performances that have come to define Branker's projects. Songs My Mom Liked is yet another engrossing project and celebration of life, from the mind and pen of Anthony Branker.

Track Listing:

1 Praise 6:02
2 Sketches of Selim 7:02
3 The Holy Innocent (for KB and the Children of Gaza) 5:43
4 Crystal Angel 7:15
5 Land of Milk & Honey 6:15
6 The House of the Brotherhood of the Black Heads 6:58
7 Three Gifts (From a Nigerian Mother to God) 6:25
8 Imani (Faith) 5:47 For Mom
9 Hope 5:45
10 When We Said Goodbye 5:31
11 To Be Touched (By the Spirit) 5:47
12 If... 6:06

All compositions and arrangements
by Anthony Branker, J Prof Music, BMI;
except (12) by Parris Branker,
arr. by Anthony Branker, J Prof Music, BMI


Donny McCaslin - tenor & soprano saxophones
Philip Dizack - trumpet
Fabian Almazan - piano
Linda May Han Oh - double bass
Rudy Royston - drums
Pete McCann - guitar
Aubrey Johnson - vocals
Anthony Branker - composer & musical director

Production Info:

PRODUCED BY Anthony Branker
RECORDED BY Mike Marciano of Systems Two, NY
at Samurai Hotel Recording Studios, Astoria, NY
RECORDED ON January 8, 2024
MIXED BY Mike Marciano & Anthony Branker at Systems Two, NY
MASTERED BY Mike Marciano at Systems Two, NY

Reviews of Songs My Mom Liked

Paris Move (Thierry De Clemensat)
Time passes, and an impressive number of connections are made year after year with people we admire. This is the case with composer Anthony Branker, one of the most remarkable American composers, with whom I will share an interview soon. In Anthony Branker's work, humanity is as significant as his music. We remember his impressive album released in ...

Marlbank (UK) (Stephen Graham)
We've long appreciated the work of the composer Anthony Branker going back over a decade to Uppity on the same issuing label here Origin - and our admiration grows still more. Themed as a celebration of and dedication to the composer's mother who is in her late eighties and who is suffering from dementia, Branker knows how much his music lifts his ...

Step Tempest (Richard Kamins)
There are many listeners of contemporary music no matter the genre are usually looking for spiritual uplift. Listeners say they love technical prowess or "new" sounds but what makes us return to music is how it moves us. Music is a "full-body experience" – for this listener, it usually starts with moving my feet, then enters into my brain, and fi ...

The New York City Jazz Record (Anna Steegmann)
Dr. Anthony Branker (who turns 66 this month) is a man of many talents. He started as a trumpeter with the Spirit of Life Ensemble and took new musical paths after brain surgery for arteriovenous malformation. In the jazz world, he is highly regarded as a composer and arranger, a leader of three jazz ensembles, and an educator who has taught jazz s ...

Jazz Weekly (George W Harris)
Composer and Arranger Anthony Branker puts together a free thinking team of Donny McCaslin/ts-ss, Philip Dizack/tp, Fabian Almazan/p, Linda May Han O h/b, Rudy Royston/dr, Pete McCann/g and Aubrey Johnson/voc for a collection of originals dedicated to his mother and her battle with dementia. The atmospheres range from uptempo pieces like "Praise ...

Jazz 'N' More (Switzerland) (Dorothea Gängel)
The American composer Anthony Branker dedicated his latest work to his 88-year-old mother, who suffers from dementia. On car journeys together, he repeatedly played her the music he had once composed. He noticed that it put her in a happy mood and that she began to move to the sounds. So he decided to reinterpret some pieces with his ensemble "Imag ...





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