From the opening notes of the rocked-up opener "PMS Alert!," Zygomatik is unquestionably a bass player-led recording. The heavy grooves of Piet Verbist's upright set the pace for much of this disc steeped in odd-metered funk with soulful harmonic hooks. The Belgian bassist/composer conjures up a vibe reminiscent of the early fusion-era at its best. Slow burning solo vamps boil over with unexpected climatic turns on the standout pieces "La Filosofia Del Jamón," "Pulse" and "Cut the Crab," a funky tune with a Headhunter's vibe.
Pianist Bram Weijters plays an integral role, relying on overdriven Fender Rhodes to create enticing layers of intensity within his solos. Weijters' electric guitar-like wailing on "Rushd ed-Dunyâ (Le Sens Universel)" is memorably eerie. Along with the rock solid drumming of Herman Pardon, the disc features exceptional blowing from saxophonists Fred Delplancq, Matt Renzi, both on tenor, and Vincent Brijs on baritone.