The title alone is enough to give this one a spin. On closer look and listen, drummer Jorgensen's disc is a musical exploration of the paintings of Dale Chisman. The title is taken from Chisman's abstract impression of an upside down bass viol. The accompanying tune doesn't have the immediate impact as the painting, but the light tune does evoke a sense of wonder, as if you're looking at the picture, not a part of it. Trumpeter Thomas Marriott takes the melodies on most tunes, and his plaintive tone captures the color of Chisman's pieces and Jorgensen's interpretations, as on the sparse and lovely "Colorado." Jorgensen paints with more color than texture, opting for wide open sounds reminiscent of the Southwest and Rocky Mountain landscapes that inspired Chisman. Using strings on occasion gives the pieces some heft, but it's Marriott and guitarist Corey Christiansen who move the pieces along with their sturdy melodic sensibilities. Dave Captein anchors the rhythm with Jorgensen. One not familiar with Chisman's paintings would get the sense of their colors from this disc.