What a pleasure to listen to this young training; already now you can feel the strong and intimate bond that unites these musicians who, despite coming from different places and backgrounds, seem to have always lived in their music. A rare find and unique, their interplay follows and draws Pindaresque emotional rooms: passion, pain, joy and suffused meditative moments. Florian Höfner, their guide, accompanies us through his pianism, following roads rhythmic and harmonic never trivial or simply academic. Drawing dark landscapes and beautiful sunsets, while remaining poised between frailty and redemption. His artistic career and studies, which already includes collaborations, began in the cold and magical Bavaria, with his study of the accordion and trumpet. Along with Mike Rubino on tenor and soprano sax, Sam Anning on bass, and Peter Kronreif on drums, they've created Falling Up, the second recording effort for the label OA2 Records, another important step for their growth. Among the compositions on the disc, there is a unique and alluring jazz retelling of the classic Beatles' "Eleanor Rigby," the American folk song "Black is the Color," with a mood of melancholy and introspection, and the gorgeous and restless "Falling Up."
Translated from Italian