I must admit that I was not too familiar with the work of Jim Knapp. Recently I have become aware of the awe and respect he commands among the higher echelons of thinking musicians. Jim Knapp to me represents the acceptable face of 'cutting edge' music. Although he is dedicated to pushing the boundaries, he never strays so far that an element in his audience likely to be left behind. As far as his musical form is concerned, it is bound to interest disciples of Brookmeyer. Jim Knapp allows an awful lot of space to his soloists, how could he not! I doubt there are too many groups of this size that boast so many performers or national or even international standard. As far as the recording is concerned, I am put in mind of those excellent Rudy Van Gelder Blue Note, the sound is so vital , wide open and natural. All this you may notice when the soloists are featured.
8 tracks are original, the remaining two are MOON AND SAND (Alex Wilder) and NANNA'S LIED (Weill). Ingrid Jenson and the ubiquitous Mark Taylor also grace the CD. By the way the band swings like crazy too!
Jazz Dimensions (Germany) by Tobias Richtsteig
All Music Guide by Adam Greenburg
All About Jazz by Jack Bowers
Muses Muse by Ben Ohmart