The first notes you catch in the morning often determine your mood throughout the day. One tip: wake up to the tones of American pianist and composer with Palestinian roots Ryan Cohan in his 'The Hours Before Dawn'. A slow unveiling of a whole world that ranges from jazz and classical to influences from the Middle East (Jewish and Arabic) and South America. Music layers that slide over and into each other like tectonic plates in slow motion.
Surrounded by his fixed sextet and a string quartet, Cohan offers a range of possibilities. No escapism or artificial juxtapositions, but substantiated dualities that are played out as positive sources of power. An absolute must for fans of Yusef Lateef, bassist Avishai Cohen and for those who have Mac Gayden's 'Hymn To The Seeker' in their collection. With a trumpet player (Tito Carrillo) who doesn't want to sound like Ibrahim Maalouf in such a context.