Playing alto sax, soprano sax and flute, Will Swindler leads a swinging team of Peter Sommer/ts, April Johannesen/bck. Tom Myer/fl, Dawn Kramer-Bagriel Mervine/tp-fh, Darren Kramer/tb, Susan McCullough/hrn, Ben Markley/p, Matt Smiley/b and Dru Heller through a romping "live" in studio album of originals and a cover or two.
His soprano is sweet on the gracefully arranged "Annika", with his alto swaying in pretty form on "Passage". Heller's brush work coaxes Markely's piano on the sleek "The Real Me". The horns are in sophisticated form, rich and reedy on the gentle "Little Requiem" and moody around the trumpets for "Tantrum In ". A take of Beatles songs brings out the best in Swindler's also on "Julia/Blackbird". Both leader and band get muscular and bear down on the exciting "Pavlov's Daughter" and the team takes sharp hairpin turns on the quirky "Space Bugs". A mile high treat in Denver.