Two bands for the price of one are served here, as the Iron City team of Brad Whiteley/org and Austin Walker/dr join forces with The Gritos Speak band of Daniel Carter/sax-fl-cl-p-tp, Charlie Apicella/perc-g, William Parker/b-misc and Juma Sultan/perc. The result is a combination of soul grooves and sounds that serve as a foundation for exotic harmonies and flavors.
Carter's clarinet is melancholic with Walker on "As The Sun Rises" while his soprano sax sears through the modal "Titan vs. Sphinx" Parker's bass bops through the fiery of "We're All Here In Spirit" and adds to the soulful strut of "If You Know Where To Look" with Apicella's guitar getting dark alongside some muted trumpet on "I Heard In Passing". Lots of exciting gallops, canters and a couple of stampedes on this migration of tones.