Originally hailing from San Francisco and Nova Scotia, the co-leaders of the newly-minted Bicoastal Collective (Paul Tynan and Aaron Lington) met in Texas and later formed a band with college acquaintances, also hailing from throughout North America. After an introductory (and outstanding) jazz waltz that sounds like a small big band is at work, the collective moves into a long series of pieces showcasing elements of sound throughout trumpeter Paul Tynan's development and career. The movements build slowly one by one, increasing in energy and in ornamentation as they go, and increasing the influence of the trumpet to the overall sound. This is where the album really starts to pick up. Bit by bit, the band adds their individual elements, growing careful grooves and solos along the way. The collection of instruments in the band gives a nice range of possible coloration to the affair, and the bandleaders make full use of that along the way with their compositions (all originals on the album). The color is there throughout, though the energy ebbs and flows a bit. There's a lot of potential in the outfit and in the concept, but there's more development to be had still. Be on the lookout for a future "Chapter Two" and see where the collective has gone.