4 STARS From the mouth of his young daughter came the four playful syllables that don't mean a thing in the adult world, but Portland, Oregon-based pianist Clay Giberson took the idea - and the momentous event of the birth of his child - and went into the studio to record solo, every day for two weeks. The result is Minga Minga.
Giberson's association with Origin Records has been a fruitful one, featuring a double handful of excellent albums,with his Upper Left Trio as well as solo efforts. Minga Minga, is Giberson's thoughtful, inward, solo celebration of the birth of his daughter, beginning with the fluttering, frenetic intro to "Little Bird" that shifts into a thoughtful, beautiful repose. "Adah" exists outside of time, unfolding with a supreme patience and reserve, and the sound of "Burst" does not evoke its title. It's more of a slow flowing stream, with insouciant swirlings of notes tinting the serene atmosphere with a sparkle of joy.
"Minga" is bright, bouncy before it explores some shadows. The song - indeed the whole CD - is a testament to a relaxed, "every-night-for-two-weeks," sit down for seat-of-the-pants improvisation, inspired in this case by the miracle of a new life. The sounds are sacred, expansive, unfailingly lovely, with a cerebral/playful dynamic that shines a light on Giberson's technical skills as wells as his human, soulful feelings of heartfelt tenderness, poignancy, awe and pure love.
This is Clay Giberson's finest recording to date, a top shelf solo piano outing.