Origin Records presents Galper's new quartet [Nathan Bellott-as, Dean Torrey-b, David Frazier-drm] which he calls The Youngbloods. Galper who is on the upslope to 80 and who was once a youngblood himself 60 years ago shows musically there is no generation gap with these youngsters (former students of Galper's at Purchase Conservatory). This gig [9/11/16] came about a year after they first played as a group and was part of a festival honoring the life of Phil Woods. And if you enjoy Woods you're going to love this CD. Bellott has Woods' pugnacious attack down and is a natural fit with Galper who was Woods' pianist for a decade. Galper is in top form revisiting some of the 3 originals plus "Goodbye". Torrey and Frazier are right on top of the program following in step with Galper's twisted turns. Galper has made a few top quality recordings that seem to have been overlooked in the shuffle. This CD is superior and belong with his b