After a powerful drum solo opens, The Future Was Yesterday, the debut album for Chicago/Paris sax player Brad Wheeler, the sax kicks in and one immediately is taken by the sound of a developed John Coltrane. As the album progresses, Wheeler takes more of his own direction and relies less on sheer emulation of the 'Trane. However, he keeps a very tight grasp on where the songs should lead and how they progress. As he goes through his solos, one comes to the understanding that the notes have to be where he puts them; they simply can't go elsewhere. While he caresses the overall sound, his tone is powerful, almost screeching at times. He occasionally has to beat a chord progression into submission to make it fit the sound he desires. The compositions are well-crafted, and the playing suits them quite well. There are, perhaps, not many that stand out as singular highlights, as the album is designed to form a coherent whole and the players combine to make the most of it. Definitely worth a listen or two.