Playing piano and electronics, Bill Anschell brings together a team of Chris Symer/b-eb, Jose Martinez-KJ Sawka/dr, Brian Monroney/g, and Jeff Busch/perc for some exciting originals that veer from progressive rock to hip fusion. There are hints of Weather Report with the melding of electronics, acoustic piano and deep pulses as on pieces like "Ambulator" and the galloping "Is This Thing Even On" featuring some hip electric bass introduction. Symer is likewise lovely melding with the leaders' electronics during "Abandoned" with some rich synthesized melodies floating on a lyrical "Hidden Nobility". The dynamics get exciting with some keyboards rising and falling on "Nimbus" and the band rocks in King Crimson fashion with Monroney's guitar at the help on the kinetic "Outburst". The extra effects are a supplement, and not a dominant force, like extra textures to add dimensions to the ears. A well-lit fusion fuse.