Time for rest. And prudent listening to music. Time for Shelly Rudolph. Decelerated, tender and brimming with emotion. Shelly even with a clear voice - sometimes firmly stowed, sometimes suspended - almost to itan all-star ensemble (cellist David Darling, plus Tom Grant, Darrell Grant, David Goldblatt or David K. Mathews on the grand piano, plus Dave Captein on bass and saxophonist Devin Phillips), led by guitarist Chance Hayden, who as a husband contributed to the production with special care, co-wrote some songs and, of course, contributed very subtle, jazzy sound sequences. No drums far and wide, a fact that makes the tempo in the song world of Mrs. Rudolph finally meaningless and thus generously provides space and time for the instrumental swabs of the musicians involved. Jazz? Sure, too, but not with priority. Rather a special singer / songwriter oasis, the source of which is composed of pop, gospel and jazz flavors. Listening is key!
Translated from German