Knowing that Call To Action/Call To Prayer is a companion to Destiny Calling — another album by Charlie Apicella, The Griots Speak, and Iron City, recorded during the same studio session in 2022 — sparks the notion of having missed out on something important. That said, it's certainly commonplace to enjoy an album out of order from an established series or without knowledge of an overarching concept and there are plenty of elements that make Call To Action/Call To Prayer that are noteworthy and memorable on its own. The sheer variety of colorful sounds from the doson ngoni, gralla, gembri, madal drum, and Tibetan singing bowls — instruments uncommon to modern Western music — makes
for an intriguing and culture-widening listening experience. Countless delicate details and musical volleys made between the musicians can be realized even after several playthroughs. The tonal and rhythmic potpourri, blended with the generally calm demeanor of the album (save for "Cascading Wave of Change," which at its peak is frenetic chaos), gives this improvisational session an air of inspired innocence. Those not as keen on wandering parts and disjointed performance may not find much enjoyment here, though it's not without glimpses of conventional structure. Penultimate track "These Boxes Are Mostly Empty" makes for the strongest example of such to satisfy an ear looking for more traditional musical form.