BEST ISRAELI JAZZ OF THE DECADE The "sunrise" of composer and saxophonist Amit Friedman came after quite a few years when he played as a sideman with many good musicians. Friedman defines himself as an autodidact. Although he studied jazz at Thelma Yellin and took individual lessons here and there, he paved the way for himself. This is probably why his music is so accessible and pleasant to listen to, but not at the expense of depth and complexity. Another equally interesting fact is Friedman's connection to music education. He has established and leads the Jazz Jazz Series in Herzliya "The Eight Star" to date, and manages to make Israeli jazz. "Sunrise," is a wonderful sixth album in which the whole is larger than its parts. Friedman leads the album with great Israeli musicians who together create Israeli jazz in Friedman's interpretation. Amos Hoffman plays with him while, Omri Moore on the piano, Gilad Abreu in bass, Amir Bressler on drums and Ronnie Abrin in percussion. According to Friedman, releasing a debut album is a serious and weighty issue. " I felt it was important to wait for the stage where there was a coherent statement that justified documentation. Both in terms of tunes and music. Sunrise is a combination of all my influences and played by my favorite musicians who have inspired me over the years.