The American label Origin is mainly specialized in jazz based on tradition. With 'Provinces' they radically deviate from that course. You could say a kind of "close encounters of the unknown kind". The man who is responsible for this alone: multi-instrumentalist Christopher Icasiano.
The continuously drumming drums create an uncomfortable feeling from the start. With somewhat haunting Hans Zimmer soundscapes and relentlessly dark bass tones, everything culminates in an unparalleled epic decor. Get ready for a sweltering trip to "deep space". The chilling silence that you encounter after a while is only subtly and gradually broken through through more familiar sound patterns that emerge.
Those first steps in an unknown world take place in an oppressive atmosphere. Drum parties build up a new unbearable tension arc. Field recordings realized in the Philippines (the land of Icasiano's ancestors) add some disruptive elements. Horror on the way or is there a peaceful ending? Listen and shiver yourself.
Although these are actually two distinct suites, both fit together seamlessly as a long flow. 'Provinces' is a super disorienting disc with an unpleasant mood as can be found in the TV series 'Twin Peaks -The Return'. Floating somewhere between SCHNTZL and The Roswell Incident ('Trapped-Part One') and immediately a candidate for the next edition of the AntennA festival (Ghent).
Translated from Flemish