Called " of the best male vocalists in the world today" by WCLK in Atlanta, Jeff Baker's four recordings for OA2 Records revealed a compelling and engaging musical voice. Now as vocal director at ArtsWest School for the Performing Arts in Eagle, ID, Baker shares his musical insights with his vocal ensemble of equally motivated high school students. Collectively inspiring each other through daily practices and performances, the group here perform as individuals with only the coda on the last piece featuring the choir. One can hear a sound, concept and approach that has been influenced by Baker's experiences but at the same time, their distinct personalities shine through, tempting thoughts of what these kids will sound like after two more years of high school!
Stan Bock Ensemble
The Here & Now
The Kora Band
Tunnel Six
Afro Bop Alliance
Grupo Los Santos
Lary Barilleau & The Latin Jazz Collective
Chamber 3
Unhinged Sextet
Electric Squeezebox Orchestra
Svetlana and the Delancey Five
Charlie Apicella & Iron City
LP and the Vinyl
The Griots Speak
Russell Kranes/Alex Levine/Sam Weber/Jay Sawyer
Live Edge Trio